Tuesday, September 16, 2008

VMWorld - An Ode to Analogies

I will be using analogies with reckless abandon throughout this post, you have been warned.

I’ve been walking around the VMWorld conference in Vegas and have the feeling that I’ve seen everything at least twice - its like deja vu all over again, literally. All these conferences require so much work depending on what you want to get out of them. If what you want to get out of them is free coffee and snacks your in for a sweet ride, if you want good information and an idea of what is coming then prepare to be sucker punched in the back of the head. These conferences are like a high school swirlie, you get your hair wet but still need to wash it afterwards. All the technology buzz is deafening. Everything is “virtualized” and so you end up being almost virtually satisfied, but not really.

Couple of things esxtop session - very awesome. Still confused by having >100% utilization, how is this possible?

Conference photographers, I’ve seen one picking his nose, isn’t this bad for the equipment? Maybe he was trying to evoke a mood in one of the photos - will investigate for next photo shoot.

Wireless is to conferences as clean forks are to a restaurant, if you can’t even get that right you have problems, guess what has dried food particles on it - thats right you have made my list for insufficient wireless access VMWorld!!!

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