Integrity.. It struck me the other day how little most value that now days. I thought of this while watching a movie called Quiz Show. The movie of course had to do with the Quiz Show scandal in the 50's, it was shocking then to learn that GASP the show was setup, the winners chosen. It struck me when I was watching it this time just how far we have come as a people, not just in the US, but in the world as a whole. Personal integrity seems to mean little if nothing anymore, honor is worthless to most, if this happened in today’s society people would be callous, uncaring about a game show that wasn't "real" I mean what is real right...
The movie made me think about something else as well, taste, and how it changes over time.. I had seen it before, at the time I had not liked it all that much, now I find it a much better movie than I did the first time I saw it. There have been other movies that I have found this with, not many, it tends to happen more with music than with movies. I have wondered if perhaps some thing’s you just aren't ready for at a particular time in your life, your experiences haven't allowed you the benefit of being able to understand something fully, then life happens and a few years later you find yourself in a place where you not only fully understand the lyrics in a song but the music behind it. You understand the point of a movie you missed before, you see a picture and grab the mood and perspective that seemed alien. I wonder if this is something universal, I would think it is although I can't say I have talked to anybody about it. It seems the kind of thing that would make for dull conversation, probably makes for a dull blog as well =)