Thursday, August 26, 2010

The worst part of getting old for a dude

is ear hair....  Women have their own demons of age to face, but for dudes its ear hair.  There is nothing quite like it.  It is your bodies ultimate rebellion, hair where it absolutely shouldn't be.  I'm not talking about the fine ear hair, the barely noticeable hair, I'm talking about the ear-stache that some old guys have.  Way worse than the dreaded back rug, and more annoying than the thinning retreat up top, it is an all out unavoidable assault on our pride.  

What is it about our bodies that makes them want to spawn little hair particles in the oddest places, while loosing it in the normal ones?

Anyway nothing to report on that front yet, but I'm sure its coming.  

Something else on the getting older / kid front.  Reactions from people.  I have perhaps the cutest kid in the whole world.  Wait, change that, he IS the cutest kid in the whole world.  No matter how cute the kid many have zero tolerance for any sort of whimper / cry / sob that comes out of his mouth.  I have to say that at one time that may have been me.  Those without kids have not sampled from the acquired taste that is a babies cry.  It doesn't take long to build quite the tolerance, two three nights.  

The other day as I attempted to walk around Borders several people bore holes through me as little man sobbed, wailed, and leveled an abusive war cry.  I tried to tell them he was just voicing his disappointment on the state of modern fiction.  

Its amazing how much kids change your life.  Even small things like trips to Target and Borders get complicated.  Its as if everyday tasks are burdened with the added clumsiness you would experience doing a three legged race.  Everything is a time trial, you can go and browse all you want as long as the browsing coincides with a normal sleep time, but not awake time, if he has gotten enough to eat, is comfortable in his stroller, has a fresh diaper, likes the music in the store, approves of the general feng shui of the moment, in short - once every winning lotto ticket.  

Then when your most disappointed at loosing the battle and retreat to the car, he smiles, and you wonder why you even went into Borders in the first place.  Little man is right, modern fiction is horrible, nothing to see there.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bad Idea

Every now and then I come up with a crazy idea for an entire series of blogs.  They are usually perverse and would gather all the wrong sorts of attention, but they make me laugh during whatever meeting I happen to be day-dreaming in.  The other day one hit me that made me laugh almost to the point I couldn't contain myself, the idea was - anusoftheday (Anus of the Day).

In my head it would be abstract pictures of all kinds of animal anuses.  It seems the kind of thing that could go viral, get a lot of attention, and make you kind of sorry you started it.  Your name would alway be known for a website dedicated to animal anus pictures.

Anus...  It's funny because it has the word anus.