Friday, November 14, 2008

What Happened?

Just finished watching Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Movie is horrible. I had heard it was bad, what I heard was right. I should be ashamed of myself for even watching it. Aliens!!???!!! Indiana Jones is not about aliens.

What happened to the man who is responsible for an entire generation's childhood imagination? What happened to George Lucas? I can't explain it. I have wondered if the ability to create worlds in a digital space is his biggest problem. The man obviously has a big imagination, but imagination is only good up to a point, one foot has to be planted in reality. Before computers, when special effects were truly special, he had to keep his story grounded, after computers he could go anywhere his imagination let him, unfortunately that wasn't a good thing.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


One of my favorite past times is re-writing crappy TV / movies in my head. Yes you read that right. I spend my time polishing turds, or pretending to polish turds, or thinking about what a polished turd would be like. Have I said "polished turds" enough for you? How about this one, Diamond in the Turd. A diamond in the turd is a cool idea / story that has been ruined.

Well known Diamonds in the Turd - the Star Wars prequels. The Star Wars prequels were much cooler before they were made. Pirates of the Caribbean that aren't the first one. Heroes.

Heroes has been my favorite subject lately. I think the main reason is that its so easy to improve. The show is horrible right now, anything you do would be an improvement.

So there it is. These shows are my version of the Maury Show. I watch them so I can shake my head and feel superior.

I need to get off this pain medication, I maybe admitting things that I shouldn't.

TURD - I said it again, couldn't help myself.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Surfing While Medicated

Any regular reader of this blog will also be someone I know (can't imagine there is anyone out there who finds this entertaining enough to follow otherwise). Anyone I know will know that I have just had knee surgery. This was my first experience with surgery, its pretty interesting, you close your eyes and a moment later there is a overbearing nurse asking you annoying questions like "What did you have surgery on?" Geezzz lady can't you look at my bandaged right knee and see, hey wait a minute, WHAT, not the right one, just kidding it was the right one... That was a joke I wanted to play, but didn't get a chance cause all I could think about was getting more wonderful, beautiful sleep...

So now that I'm back home, right knee bandaged up, walking on crutches, and with time on my hands the only rational thing to do is surf the internet. Surfing while on medication is fun. There are all kinds of things you can find. Example?

Here you go...

Being on medication makes me question whether I really saw what I think I saw on that webpage. BTW the google search for Cobra Commander is the Antichrist did not give me anything worth looking at - I need to create the page I expected to see from such a search.

Ebay is dangerous for the medicated. I was thinking about cereal and whether it would be more economical to win the bids on cereal nobody wanted so I did a search for corn flakes, and I found this. What I really wanted though was just a box of cereal, not the virgin Mary on a flake of corn. I almost got into a bidding war for a box of Honey Nut Cheerios, then I remembered there was some in the cabinet. My knee is hurt so getting to them may not be so easy. I wonder if I could get free delivery of my Honey Nut Cheerios to my lap from my cabinet.

Enjoy your day, my medication is making me want a nap..