Sunday, October 26, 2008

Emails & Comments

I haven't posted much lately, but its not because I have forgotten the blog, or slipped back into the habit of neglect, I've spent quantities of my time writing emails and posting responses to a co-workers blog.

Its been a fun, yet strenuous experience. There is nothing like questioning to make you grow. Over the past several weeks I have been amazed by the questions that hinder people. I've had times in my life where seemingly unanswerable questions rose and drowned much of my faith. I understand the debilitating presence of uncertainty. Being somewhat egotistical I guess I feel at times that all struggles are the same, and that all questions are your own.

If your interested in my co-workers blog it is here - I've responded as best I can to some of them, I hope to have more to report soon.

Other stuff... Couple of things this week that are blog worthy, and both are funerals. Two funerals in one week. Both funerals were caused by cancer. One lady was 36, a member of our Sunday school class. She had been married but a few years, and fought cancer through most of them. The other lady was 73, she lived a full life. Something that was notable about both ladies, they were both models of Christianity.

One of the great hindrances is that of the "unfaithful Christian". You don't even have to evangelize to hear tales of "Christian's" who act immorally and unfaithfully and cause others to shake their head dismissing anything Christian as hypocritical. I have heard a co-worker (not the same one) speak of Christian's with such spite because of this. Here were two ladies who were not a hindrance. They were lives lived to the very end with a loving, gentle spirit.

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